“Sigma K11 range in which detectors and call points are wired on separate circuits to sounders (two sounder circuits are provided).
Sigma T11 range in which detectors call points and sounders are wired to the same pair of cables. Commonly referred to as a two-wire system.; Fully certified to BS EN54-2 and BS EN54-4
2-wire and standard versions in 2, 4 or 8 zones
Compatible for use on BS5839: Part 1: 2002 installations
2-wire repeaters and ancillary boards
Simple, single board construction
Installer friendly
Compatible with wide range of detection devices
Two monitored sounder outputs
3 Amp power supply
Auxiliary power output; Adjustable sounder delay time
Sounder configuration options
Zonal sounder delay detectors only
Zonal sounder delay call points only
Coincidence input selection
I.S Barrier selection by zone
Short circuit fire by zone
Non latching zones
Silent zones
Zone input delay
General panel configuration”