Apollo Series 65 Optical Smoke Detector – 55000-317
The Series 65 Optical Smoke Detector incorporates a pulsing LED located within the housing of the detector. The external detector moulding is identical to that of the ionisation detector but has an indicator LED which is clear in quiescent state but produces a red light in alarm. As part of the Apollo Series 65 Detector Range the 55000-317 Optical Conventional Smoke Detector offers a fire detection solution to many applications. The detector can be used with most modern conventional fire alarm panels.
The Apollo Series 65 conventional optical smoke detector (55000-317) uses an internal pulsing LED and a photo-diode at an obtuse angle. In the event of smoke entering the chamber, the light pulse from the LED will be scattered and registered by the photo-diode. The detector will then enter the alarm state and the indicator LED lights up. The Apollo Series 65 optical smoke detector housing is identical to that of the Apollo ionisation smoke detector but has an indicator LED which is clear in quiescent state but produces red light in alarm.
Key Features:
Wide operating voltage
Advanced electronic technology
Flashing LED option
Magnetic test switch option
Can be used on security systems
Electrically compatible with Series 60
Mechanically compatible with Series 60
Proven detection performance
Designed to meet approvals worldwide
Range of bases available