Protec 6000 PLUS UG4 Duct Probe Detector with 1.5m of Pipe
The duct smoke detector provides early detection of smoke and products of combustion present in air moving through an HVAC duct. The assembly requires a 6000PLUS/OP digital addressable head. The unit has been specially constructed to allow optimum airflow through the smoke detector’s chamber.
A revolutionary ‘one pipe system’, the Venturi Principle, is achieved by the use of a single pipe with two built-in channels which directs the airflow smoothly through the detector’s chamber and returns the air back into the duct. An airflow indicator confirms airflow through the unit itself when the airflow is above 0.75 m/sec.
The ‘one pipe system’ and in-built connection block for termination of cables makes the unit far easier to install than its competitors. The duct probe is supplied with full fixing instructions and a mounting template. The air sampling tube is provided in three standard lengths to suit the HVAC duct.
Key Features:
6000PLUS/UG4DP for use with Protec Algo-Tecâ„¢ 6000 Interactive Digital Addressable Fire Detection Systems
One-Pipe Air Sampling System
Patented Venturi Pipe and Duct Housing Test Hole on Cover
Simple Installation
Sensitive Flow Indicator
Filter for Dusty Environments
Foolproof Installation of Venturi Pipe