Clear backlit alphanumeric / LED displays
Compact size
Loop powered, no separate supply required
Clear backlit alphanumeric / LED displays
Compact size
Loop powered, no separate supply required
Protec 6400/LOOP/LCD Loop Powered Repeat Panel
The 6400/LOOP/LCD can be connected directly to the local Algo-Tec digital addressable data loop and takes up just one address. The facia displays power, fire, faults, disablement and more alarms. Fire and fault events are displayed on the 4x 40 character LCD display and automatically scroll. A backlight ensures that the events can be read in all lighting situations. Fire events have highest priority and inhibit the display of fault events. A new event initiates buzzer and a mute button allows the internal buzzed to be muted.
Key Features:
Clear backlit alphanumeric / LED displays
Compact size
Loop powered, no separate supply required