Minerva MR601TEX High Performance Optical Smoke Detector
These detectors react to the whole range of fire products from slow smouldering fires, producing visible particles to open flaming fires producing large numbers of very hot smaller sized aerosols. It combines optical and heat detector technology to detect clear burning fire products which hitherto could only be easily detected by ion-chamber detectors. For normal ambient conditions, the high performance optical detector behaves as a normal optical detector. Only when a rapid rise in temperature is detected does the sensitivity of the detector increase and the presence of smoke will confirm a fire condition which will be transmitted as an alarm level.
Conventional I.S. system
Suitable for worst case (EEx ia IIC T5)
High Performance Optical (HPO) smoke detector
Compatible with S231i+ flame detector
Compatible I.S. callpoint
Suitable for use in Zone 0,1,2,20,21& 22; High Performance Optical Smoke Detector – Data Sheet