//Tyco MZX MX2 Fire Detection Control Panels

Tyco MZX MX2 Fire Detection Control Panels

EN54 Compliant MXDigital system

Integral power supply

Optional integral eighty way zonal LED’s

Two to eight loops or network up to 396 loops

250 addresses per loop

Full range of MZX virtual multi-sensor detectors

MZX FASTLOGIC fuzzy logic smoke detection algorithms

Fully functional repeater

Powerful MXConsys & MXConsys Express configuration software

Easy to install

Space for 17Ah or 38Ah batteries

SKU: FireAlarmPanel224 Category: Tag:


Tyco MZX MX2 Fire Detection Control Panels

The MX2 is one of a new generation of digital addressable fire alarm controllers that is based on MZX Technology. It brings a host of system options and benefits to both installer and end user.

It uses state-of-the-art multi-sensor virtual detection to expertly protect personnel and property through varying occupancy conditions.

Two loops are provided as standard with each loop supporting up to 250 devices. Two loop panels can be expanded to eight loops by adding a plug-in XLM800 loop expansion card which increases the number of devices supported to 1000.

Further expansion of the system is achieved by networking panels via a plug-in TLI800EN MXNet network card. A networked system can support a maximum of 396 loops and 99,000 detectors.

All MX2 controllers share a common fully featured user interface allowing multiple access levels and providing complete system wide control. User interfaces that are spread over a networked system will operate seamlessly and function together as a single integrated unit. The fully functional repeater also provides a seamless user interface to the entire system and can be sited up to 1200m from a controller.

Architecturally matching expansion boxes simplify the addition of what would normally be termed customised features. The expansion boxes can accommodate up to two add-on modules including the ANN840 a 40 way bi-colour LED display, ANN880 80 way LED display, COM820 20 way command button LED display or the PRN800 in-built thermal printer.


EN54 Compliant MXDigital system

Integral power supply

Optional integral eighty way zonal LED’s

Two to eight loops or network up to 396 loops

250 addresses per loop

Full range of MZX virtual multi-sensor detectors

MZX FASTLOGIC fuzzy logic smoke detection algorithms

Fully functional repeater

Powerful MXConsys & MXConsys Express configuration software

Easy to install

Space for 17Ah or 38Ah batteries