//Vimpex Wall Mounted Fire-Cryer Shallow Base with Red Beacon

Vimpex Wall Mounted Fire-Cryer Shallow Base with Red Beacon

Key Features:; Sound output – 100 dB(A)

Optional integral strobe – red lens with red LED

Low current – average 20 mA

No special wiring, easily retro-fitted

Deep base version available to IP66

Approved to EN 54-3

SKU: Conventional Sounder Strobe689 Category: Tag:


Vimpex Wall Mounted Fire-Cryer Shallow Base with Red Beacon

The Fire-Cryer Solo requires no special wiring and can be retrofitted to existing installations. They are fully synchronised and have an exceptionally low current consumption. The units can be use as a replacement for electronic sounders or bells to broadcast a clear message “Fire emergency. Please remain calm and evacuate the building immediately”. The strobe is not intended to be the primary source of alarm and a such has not been assessed for compliance to EN 54-23.

Key Features:

Sound output – 100 dB(A)

Optional integral strobe – red lens with red LED

Low current – average 20 mA

No special wiring, easily retro-fitted

Deep base version available to IP66

Approved to EN 54-3